The new entry in the series, developed by creative director Yoko Taro (Drakengard series, NieR series), music director Keiichi Okabe (Drakengard 3, NieR series), and character designer Kimihiko Fujisaka (Drakengard series), will release on September 13th on PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. A new trailer showcasing the newly announced Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden has also been shared. You can check them out below.

Told entirely through the medium of cards, Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden is a standalone experience that newcomers and fans of the previous iterations, Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars and Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden, can enjoy. Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden brings players to an illustrated world presented through the medium of cards as the third release in the Voice of Cards franchise, now giving players the ability to trap the monsters they defeat in cards to use them as skills in battle. Follow a new tale set in a world where a millennia of hatred rages between monsters and humans, and a girl who loses her home swears revenge on monsters. She joins hands with a mysterious boy as they set out into the unknown and unravel the fate of this broken world.   Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden launches on PC, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch on September 13th. You can learn more about the first entry in the series by checking out Kai’s review: Yoko Taro’s storytelling is laid out on the table in a card-based adventure that’ll appeal to tabletop and JRPG fans alike in Voice of Cards.

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